
The PURELL® brand utilizes a suite of versatile fonts that promote a sense of light and clarity. Consistent use of both fonts and hierarchy reinforces the PURELL® brand identity and helps users to read and absorb information easily.

Primary Typeface

Clean and versatile, Proxima Nova is our primary typeface and should be used wherever possible.


Alternate Typeface

Universally compatible, Arial is our alternate typeface and should only be used in instances where Proxima Nova is not available. It is recommended as a primary font for Marketo, email signatures, and Microsoft Office products.


Packaging Typeface

To create continuity across product lines, Futura (not Proxima Nova) is our primary font for all packaging. This font should not be used for applications outside of packaging.


Type Structure

Type structure helps establish distinction among different types of content. Consistent scaling, weighting, and capitalization help readers find page content easily.

Below are general best practices when creating type hierarchy. The following are not required or absolute for every piece. Use good design principles and judgment when exploring other options.

Hierarchy Characteristics
Headlines Initial cap all words in headlines, excluding articles and short prepositions (unless it is the first or last word). If headlines or statements are very long, only the first word should be initial capped. Don't use end punctuation in headlines.
Subheads Initial cap all words in subheads, excluding capping prepositions. Don't use end punctuation in subheads.
Body copy Do not use smaller than 9pt size in print or 12px in digital.
Short headers All caps.
Long headers Initial caps.
Call to action First word initial capped only. Make any URLs or important pieces of information in the CTA bold to establish hierarchy.
Legal copy, claims, copyright, etc. Do not use smaller than 5.5pt in print or 10px in digital.